
May 24th, 2007

Slythindor - Drabbles


May 24th, 2007

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Original poster: unbroken_halo

Title: Just because
Author: unbroken_halo
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Challenge: #53 impromptu
Disclaimer: Not mine.
AN: Because [info]sassy_cissa made me do it.

Just Because )

Muggle Ignorance

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Original poster: cluelesschase

Title: Muggle Ignorance
Author: [info]cluelesschase posting in [info]nyargles
Word count: 367
Rating: PG
Challenge: Prompt #53; 'Impromptu'
Disclaimer: Not mine. I wish.
Summary: Draco's lack of knowledge about Muggles but desire to please him amuses Harry.

Hair which had worked itself free of Draco's facist-like control

Cross-posted; sorry for spammage.

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