
April 3rd, 2007

Slythindor - Drabbles


April 3rd, 2007

Challenge #46: Spoilt (H/D)

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Original poster: megyal

Title: Spoilt (H/D)
Author: [info]megyal
Rating//Word Count: PG-13//776
Disclaimer//Warnings: The characters do not belong to me; no profit is being made.// Implied sex and blatant fluff.
AN: Written for the [info]slythindor100 Challenge #46, a list of 15 words to be used. I managed to get them all!...after a long bout...

list of words )

Spoilt )

Silk Seduction

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Original poster: lesyeuxverts00

Title: Silk Seduction
Author: lesyeuxverts00
Word Count: 575
Rating: R/NC-17ish
Pairing: Harry/Draco, minor Draco/Pansy
Challenge: [info]slythindor100 #46 (Lying, Flowers, Book, Sleep, Shameless, Now? (must be used as a question), Friends, Hot, Unexpected, Lost, Spoiled, Search, Delay, Blue, Sofa)
Disclaimer: Not mine.
AN: Sequel to Desperate Seduction

Silk Seduction

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