
February 25th, 2007

Slythindor - Drabbles


February 25th, 2007

Challenge #41

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Original poster: sassy_cissa

Title: Days and Nights
Author: [info]sassy_cissa
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Challenge: Reality - dedicated to [info]faith1922 for trusting me with her baby
Disclaimer: If I owned 'em…they'd be a couple and book six would not exist.
Author's Notes: This is my very first 100 word drabble. Special thanks to [info]miss1nformation and [info]noa_luna for taking a quick peek.

Whispered words in broom closets. Late night snogs on the Qudditch pitch. Secret rendezvous in the Room of Requirements. Silky blond hair and smoky grey eyes. Lips that kiss and speak words of love. These are the things that haunt Harry's dreams.

Ugly taunts with nasty words. Grey eyes filled with hate. Subtly thrown jinxes used to cause detentions. Nights filled with dreams that will never come true. Days filled with longing that work Harry into distraction. Knowledge that the next time Harry sees him may be his last. In sleeping there is hope. His reality simply hurts too much.

x-posted at [info]hd100

Challenge #41

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Original poster: enchanted_jae

Title: So Much Better
Author: [info]enchanted_jae
Pairing: H/D
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Vague sex
Word count: 348
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written in response to Challenge #41 - reality.
Summary: Harry has always fantasized about Draco Malfoy, and now he has a chance to live out his fantasy.

So Much Better

Fond Memories - non-challenge!

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Original poster: noa_luna

Title: Fond Memories
Author: [info]noa_luna
Word count: 300
Genre: Gen
Rating: PG
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Draco, Harry
Disclaimer: Not mine, sadly enough. I just play with them.
Warning(s): None.
Beta: [info]sassy_cissa
Summary: Music remembers Draco of good times.
A/N: Written for prompt #3 of [info]slytherin100. The prompt was 'Wizarding Music'. References to 'Can you dance like a Hippogriff?' by the Weird Sisters. My undying gratitude to [info]sassy_cissa for helping with the word count, which was being a bitch.

Draco was sitting in the library, trying to work on his Transfiguration essay. )

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