
February 20th, 2007

Slythindor - Drabbles


February 20th, 2007

Upon a Star (the Wish I Might remix) - Response to REMIX Challenge #40

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Original poster: sesheta_66

Title:   Upon a Star (the Wish I Might remix)
Author:   [info]sesheta_66  
Rating:   PG-13
Word Count:   1532 (including portions quoted from the original)
Challenge:    [info]slythindor100  Remix challenge. 
Warnings:   No beta.
Summary:   This is Draco's pov and is based on "Upon a Star" by [info]lire_casander (Harry's pov).
Disclaimer:   The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

It was February 13th ...



Challenge #40

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Original poster: enchanted_jae

Title: Timeless Remix
Author: [info]enchanted_jae
Pairing: D/H
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Character death
Word count: 253
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written for Challenge #40, which is a remix. I chose to remix Timeless by [info]facecat. Please read it first.
Summary: Harry has been waiting for Draco, and Draco has been waiting for the right time.

Timeless Remix )

Challenge #40

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Original poster: sassy_cissa

Title: I Still See You – a remix of "I See You"
Pairing: D/H
Rating: PG
Word count: 400
Disclaimer:If I owned 'em…they'd be a couple and book six would not exist.
Author's note: Written for Challenge #40, a remix. I chose to remix I See You by [info]chokolattejedi. Please read it first.
Summary: Harry sees what Draco can never imagine.

I Still See You )

Challenge, Hun!

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Original poster: faith1922

You see, once there was a girl. That girl started a community and then had to severely neglect it because her life was starting to grow way over her head. And then [info]sassy_cissa came in shining armor and stopped the neglect, taking the comm. on as her own. The badly stressed girl was very grateful and after some discussion the two agreed that the girl would be allowed to see the little comm. once a month on weekends and post a challenge every now and then.

Today the wonderful savior gave the girl permission to post challenge #41 tomorrow. But then the girl realized that she hadhadhad to go shopping with her Mom, who has lots of money she can't wait to spend on the girl and won't have time tomorrow to post #41. But the girl very much wants to post the challenge and so she decided to pick the comm. up early today and do something crazy with it. She's gonna post the challenge today.

(Insert space for [info]sassy_cissa to whip [info]faith1922 with a limp noodle for her idiocy >here<)

Anyway, without much ado (hehe) I'm presenting you with

Challenge #41

devised by the wonderful, great and beautiful disturbed moi.

The prompt for this week is:


Might be someone from RL dropping in on our heroes. Might be some drug induced fluff *pointed look in a certain fluffy, pink direction*. Might be angsty goodness with teenaged hormonal confusion. Might be very freaky alien-shmush. Might be something completely different. Might be sane.

Just entertain me, ok? I'm stuck in the evil dimension of biology right now and can we just say, yuck, I soooo never wanted to know that?

Ta Ta

This prompts was brought to you by a wonderful [info]sassy_cissa, a sugar high, caffein, paint-fumes and too little sleep. I hope you had as much fun as I did.

Forbidden Flirtation

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Original poster: lesyeuxverts00

Title: Forbidden Flirtation
Author: lesyeuxverts00
Word Count: 500
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Harry/Draco (With mention of Draco/Pansy ... but it's not going to actually happen, I promise. This is just some angst for the boys to work through.)
Challenge: [info]slythindor100 challenge #41, Reality
Disclaimer: Not mine.
AN: Sequel to No Flirtation

Forbidden Flirtation )

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