
October 27th, 2006

Slythindor - Drabbles


October 27th, 2006

Monday Fun

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Original poster: sassy_cissa

10/27/06 (late for Monday, 10/23/06)
Title: WHAT???
Author: [info]bslehofer
Rating: R for implied sexual situations
Word Count: 417
Challenge: Written for the Monday Fun drabble challenge at [info]slythindor100, with the prompt of ""You want me to what?!"
Warnings: totally silly and ridiculous and unbeta'd
Disclaimer: The only thing I should be sued for is for the poor quality of this story.

WHAT?! )

First off I apologise profusely for the lateness of this and a million thanks to [info]facecat for sweetly reminding me. Next I apologise for how bad it is. I've been sick and my brain is not altogether.

Finally I tag [info]enchanted_jae and give her the prompt of "Trick or Treat?"

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