
August 21st, 2006

Slythindor - Drabbles


August 21st, 2006

Monday Fun!

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Original poster: faith1922

Author: [info]faith1922
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating: R
Warning: ANGST, people, why do you even ask anymore?
Summary: He never promised him a rose garden.
Pairing: H/D
Posted: 8/21/2006
A/N: I told [info]bslehofer i was going to turn this into angst. I always keep my word.

This… whatever they have, it’s not bad.

The next prompt goes to [info]cinnamon_sins: I'd like to have the lyrics to Skin's Trashed in any shape or form. The song isn't that great, but the lyrics always sounded very like our favorite boys to me. Have fun.

Crossposted to [info]faithfulwords.

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