
July 6th, 2006

Slythindor - Drabbles


July 6th, 2006

Return of the Mack!

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Original poster: physixxx

Well, I'm back home in Bloomington (actually have been since Monday) and things are calming down on my end.  I realise that [info]faith1922 is off handling her business and opted to take a break until September. Well, since I'm not in summer session this term, I do have some extra time and, seeing as I'm still listed with maintainer abilities, I figured I'd try and keep things going challenge-wise. Then, in September when Faith returns, she can decide what she'd like to do with the community and what-not.

So, how about we kick things off with a challenge, eh?


Prompt: "I wonder what this does?"
Pairing: H/D (or at least in a world where H/D is a fact)
Extra points for extra crackiliciousness!

Also, how would people feel about a point system? Like, say... people can take one of those HP Sorting quizzes (not like it's not easy to cheat on them but still...) or you can simply pick which house you'd like to be and then, each submission to the challenge gives points to said House.

Or, is that too cheesy, you think?

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