
June 7th, 2006

Slythindor - Drabbles


June 7th, 2006


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Original poster: faith1922

Hi there! Got some changes to announce:

1, As you might have noticed, we decided to let the Remix run for another week, so get on with it. I didn't really see that much action round here the last week.

2, From challenge #31 on, we will try to post challenges every Tuesday.

3, The 500-word dead line for challenge drabbles is officially lifted. Your drabble can now be as long as you want it to be. Everything from 100 words upwards is allowed and welcomed. You'll never again have to post a challenge response as a non-challenge, because you got 503 words instead of 500.

4, As a personal favor from you to me, would you pimp [info]slythindor100? Just a little? In order to get some fresh air in here? Pretty please? *bats eyelashes furiously*.

5, Also, to all authors out there, especially those that write other ships than H/D (not that they're any good), I recommend [info]theinkwells. Try it.

Toodlies, Faith (and [info]physixx aka The One Who Tags A Lot And Deserves An Award For It)

PeeEss: The User Info has (finally) been updated with the changes made over the last couple of weeks (read months).

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