
May 25th, 2006

Slythindor - Drabbles


May 25th, 2006


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Original poster: faith1922

Hands up everyone who thinks that the Monday-Fun is losing its touch. *raises hand*. People keep asking me to be taken off the list, we miss weeks and honestly, even Harry and Draco can only have so much kinky sex in public places before it gets old.

Now, [info]enchanted_jae, our resident Queen of Fluff and genius (at least for today) had a wonderful idea:

Maybe we need to try something new with the Monday drabble. I was wondering if there would be more interest in it if we ended the round robin fic and started giving out random prompts to the people tagged. For instance, you could put a nice, non-angsty finishing touch to the round robin fic, then tag someone else and give him or her a prompt to write a drabble from for next Monday. That person would write a drabble based on your prompt, then tag someone else and give them a completely different prompt. It would be fun to see what silly and completely off the wall prompts we could hand out to one another.

What say you? If there's enough people in favor of this, I'll work out the kinks and we finish the Round Robin next Monday.

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