
May 18th, 2006

Slythindor - Drabbles


May 18th, 2006

Non-Challenge, The Anatomy of War

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Original poster: faith1922

Title: The Anatomy of War
Words: 603
Warnings: The usual depression and language, some Hr/R and some mention of H/Hr/R, but nothing real. And there’s that itty bitty bit that you might interpret as voyeurism, though that’s not what I intended.
A/N: Silverlake always makes me feel like this. I should stop going there. Also, I guess this is for the talented [info]physixxx, for doing so much more around this comm. than I do these days. I’ll try to do better again, promise. As soon as I find my way out of this funk I’ve been in.

Someday I’ll walk away and say, “You disappoint me” )

Challenge #28 - Choice Shagging - PG-13

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Original poster: anansay

TITLE: Choice Shagging
AUTHOR: [info]anansay
FANDOM: Harry Potter
PAIRING/CHARACTERS: Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, (Draco)
SUMMARY: Harry's shagging Malfoy. But when Harry sees some things, he sees red.
GENRE: Humour, slash.
WORDS: 1,150
DISCLAIMER: Not my characters. They belong to
ADDITIONAL DISCLAIMER: This author is not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the ratings, warnings, and age of legal consent for your country. Fanfiction posted in this journal is rated by the author following the indications of Motion Picture Association's film ratings.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Written for the </a></b></a>[info]slythindor100 challenge wherein the prompt was: "So, it's ok for the great Harry Potter to shag a Slytherin but not for the rest of us?”
BETA(S): None. All mistakes are mine own.
ARCHIVING: Just let me know where.

( Choice Shagging )

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