
April 22nd, 2006

Slythindor - Drabbles


April 22nd, 2006

Challenge #24 - Fic: Prey

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Original poster: cinnamon_sins

Title: Prey
Rating: NC-17 (for violence)
Pairing: H/D
Words: 375
Warnings: Slash, NON-CON, angst
Summary: The prey, the hunt, the end of control.
Beta: None.
DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the ratings, warnings, and age of legal consent for your country.
A/N: [info]enchanted_jae dared me to use two prompt challenges for one fic again. And, [info]faith1922 didn't think it was possible to do angst with the prompt. So with two challenges, the conclusion is, my first non-con.

This is written for [info]slythindor100 in which the prompt was the use an image for inspiration. This was also written for HDWC, [info]hump_day101, in which the prompts were angst and "relinquish control".

BEWARE THE WARNINGS! - Prey - fake cut

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