
March 14th, 2006

Slythindor - Drabbles


March 14th, 2006

Non-challenge entry: The Fallen Angel of Light

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Original poster: makeshiftdraco

Title: The Fallen Angel of Light
Author: [info]makeshiftdraco
Characters: Hermione, Harry, Draco
Pairing: Harry/Draco of course
Genre: Angsty and rather depressing but in a twisted romance sort of way
Disclaimer: All characters etc belong to JK obviously
Summary: We must walk in darkness to truly gain the light.
Author's Note: I haven't had time to do any drabbles lately and through guilt...I give you this. Enjoy.

The Fallen Angel of Light

Reviews are very welcome of course!

part two... ish

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Original poster: jm_luver025

Title: Breathe (part two)
Author: me. 
Rating: PG
Words: 103
Summary: Harry hadn't seen him in almost a year...
A/N: Sort of a part two, so it goes with my first drabble. Lyrics come from the same song. 

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