
February 20th, 2006

Slythindor - Drabbles


February 20th, 2006


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Original poster: miss1nformation

Title: Wicked Games
Author: [info]miss1nformation
Pairing: H/D
Rating: R
Disclaimer: characters are property of JRK, written for fun, not profit
Author’s Notes: Tagged: sequel to [info]physixxx's ...sixteen again...
Word Count: 594

link to title inspired song

Wicked Games

Challenge #19 - Fic: Wanted - Fic: Hello, Draco

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Original poster: cinnamon_sins

Title: Wanted
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: H/D
Words: 154
Warnings: Angst (no happy ending), slash
Summary: He didn't want to say goodbye, but he did want the rain to fall.
Beta: None.
A/N: This was written for Challenge #19 at [info]slythindor100. The challenge was to write an angst drabble with the prompt of Goodbye without using the words, tears, fears, anger, loss, or darkness. This was especially easy to write as I was having a horrible day and felt like my soul was ripped apart.


Title: Hello, Draco
Rating: PG
Pairing: H/D
Words: 368
Warnings: Fluff (the kind that hurts your teeth), slash
Summary: The meaning behind "Hello."
Beta: None
A/N: This was written for Challenge #19 at [info]slythindor100. The challenge was to write an fluff drabble with the prompt of Hello without using the words, love, heart, light, hug, or smile. This was also especially easy to write as I was having as a wonderful person on my flist graced me with a paid LJ account to lift my heart.


( Fake cut to both )


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