
February 14th, 2006

Slythindor - Drabbles


February 14th, 2006

Challenge #18 - Fic: Some Things Don't Need Answers

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Original poster: cinnamon_sins

Title: Some Things Don't Need Answers
Rating: R (vague innuendo)
Pairing: H/D, slight H/G
Words: 1,203 (with lyrics) - 1,051 (without lyrics, SORRY!)
Warnings: Slash, light angst, happy ending for Jae
Summary: Harry and Draco have different ways of venting their frustrations towards each other.
Beta: None tonight.
A/N: This is for Challenge #18 at [info]slythindor100. The challenge was to write a song fic with the lyrics of one of five songs posted. I chose I Hate Everything About You - Three Days Grace. I was allowed to leave out up to 10 lines and I left out 9 because of repeating. I extremely went over the word limit of 500, but I got carried away with the song playing on loop and I can promise it's well worth it. Enjoy!

( Some Things Don't Need Answers - Fake Cut )

Sorry about the length Faith! You can admonish me now! I find solace that I'm the first to post though and it's so close to the deadline. I hope I inspire more people to post.

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