
January 5th, 2006

Slythindor - Drabbles


January 5th, 2006

Challenge #14

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Original poster: faith1922

First of all a big thank you to all those who posted here in the last week. Every single post was great fun to read and they all made me happy after the last couple of weeks of practically non-posting.

Now, kiddies I've held myself in check long enough with the new challenge. But six days is more than enough...

Challenge #14

I always thought that it's impossible to surprise me. You know, that I've seen and done just about everything and nothing could shock me anymore.

Well, I was wrong....

Take this introduction as the beginning of your drabble.

+ The introduction does not add to your word limit of 500.

+ You may changed the tenses, but nothing more.

+ 'I' can be anyone, obviously.

The rest is up to you. Enjoy.

Challenge #14 - Speechless - PG-13

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Original poster: anansay

I hope this is okay and that I have broken any rules (or too many). If I have just let me know and I'll fix it/them.

Thank you.

TITLE: Speechless
AUTHOR: </a></b></a>[info]anansay
FANDOM: Harry Potter
SUMMARY: Draco never anticipated it.
GENRE: gen (?)
WORDS: 701
WARNING: Implied slash.
DISCLAIMER: not my characters; they belong to j. k. rowling
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Written for the </a></b></a>[info]slythindor100 challenge in which the first line was given (in bold in fic).
FEEDBACK/CONCRIT: Yes, of course.
ARCHIVING: Let me know where

( Speechless )

Fluff sarifice for [info]enchanted_jae

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Original poster: faith1922

Words: 555, and no, I didn’t do it on purpose
Challenge: None
Warning: Pure, pink, painful, candy cotton fluff.
A/N: This is for [info]enchanted_jae, because not only did she write angst, but she wrote ‘I never’ angst.
Author Warning: Anyone who demands fluff of me during the next month, will probably get shot, strangled, stabbed, beaten and killed. And it’ll all be your fault. You have been warned.

Candy War )

Kill me. Please.

Voice from beyond: Hey, are there any acceptable communities out there for random icon postage?

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