
December 30th, 2005

Slythindor - Drabbles


December 30th, 2005

*offers sacrifice to the all-powerful [info]faith1922* Drabble Answer #13

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Original poster: star_dancer54

Title: Never
Author: Stardancer
Rating: Pg-13, at worst.
Warnings: Alcohol, drunkenness, and cursing. And of course slash.
A/N: This is for [info]slythindor100‘s Challenge 13: I never... You all know the game, right? Where someone says I never... and everyone who has ever has to drink one? The game that is usually ended by the players falling out of their chair to go and erase some of their I nevers? The game that I do not play anymore, to save the last shreds of my dignity? I want you to play this game, H/D style.
Word count: 497

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