
December 28th, 2005

Slythindor - Drabbles


December 28th, 2005

challenge #13, and rant-age

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Original poster: faith1922

1, The Rant

You guys, yes, you, where they hell are you all? We had two answers on the last challenge. And the one before wasn't much better. Actually, there hasn't been much action at all round about here, lately.

Ok, so it's Christmas and you probably all got your families hanging off your arms, but hey???

Remember this comm.? Where we have lots of fun and do stupid things and plan world domination and fight about fluff vs. dark all the time?

If it's the challenges that suck, tell me, but please, please try to write a little more, ok? Just a little itsy-bitsy drabble every no and then???

*bats eyelashes* please???


Challenge #13

The unlucky number....

Ok, this weeks theme is:

I never...

You all know the game, right? Where someone says I never... and everyone who has ever has to drink one? The game that is usually ended by the players falling out of their chair to go and erase some of their I nevers? The game that I do not play anymore, to save the last shreds of my dignity?

I want you to play this game, H/D style.

Pretty please?

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