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Fic: Gen - prompt # 6- razor [Jan. 14th, 2008|10:37 am]

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Title: As cutting as betrayal
Author: red_day_dawning
Character/s: Pansy Parkinson
Prompt: #6 – razor
Word count: 97
Rating: Gen
Warning/s: none
Disclaimer: JKR owns all – with these words, I make no money & mean no harm

 Cross-posted at slytherin100 at livejournal.

As sharp as the division between those who were former-Slytherins and those from other Houses.  As cutting as betrayal and disappointment, fear and frustration.   As piercing as hunger in an empty belly, as cutting as winter’s cold chill through clothing now worn thin.  As penetrating as the Sectumsempra spell, the razor-blade was cradled innocently between her thumb and forefinger, glinting brightly in the flickering light of many candles. 

Pansy softly spoke the words that charmed the razor.

Surveying her silky smooth legs, Pansy smirked; she would survive!  A Slytherin’s cunning was sharper than any razor.

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Prompt #6: Razor [Jan. 13th, 2008|12:07 am]

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Our sixth prompt is Razor. It can be an enchanted razor or a Muggle razor.

The challenge is open until January 26, 2008. Please follow the community guidelines at the userinfo.

The fifth prompt, hero, is open until January 19 (bonus points if you include Regulus Black). Feel free to combine the two prompts.

Please suggest a prompt here.
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Favorite Game drabble [Jan. 7th, 2008|02:33 pm]

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*phew* The holiday fic fests are finally done! Now to get to reading and commenting and reccing...

Please vote for your favorite Game drabble over at LJ =D
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A Sacrifice of a Desk and a Filing Cabinet (#5 hero) [Jan. 8th, 2008|02:05 am]

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Title: A Sacrifice of a Desk and a Filing Cabinet
Millicent Bulstrode; Severus Snape; Remus Lupin
#5 – hero
Word count: 100
JKR owns all -  I make no money & mean no harm
Author’s notes:
Set after the Battle of Hogwarts.  MoM = Ministry of Magic.  Oh, and Snape is alive because of course he didn’t actually die!  As for Lupin, well, it’s just not that easy to kill a werewolf without a silver weapon.


Walking back into Hogwarts to face the NEWTs examiners took a little more courage than Millicent liked to acknowledge.

Walking into the MoM to protest her failing the NEWTs required no extra courage; fueled by her anger, bolstered by the comforting presence of her former Head-of-House and Lupin at her side, Millicent strode proudly into the office.

Her angry words were not required.  Her only role that day was to assist Lupin in calming the Professor.  And a little damage control, although the desk and the filing cabinet were beyond saving.

Thanks to Snape, she did receive all six NEWTs.

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Prompt #5: Hero [Jan. 7th, 2008|12:29 am]

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Our fifth prompt is Hero. Bonus points if you include Regulus Black.

The challenge is open until January 19, 2008. Please follow the community guidelines at the userinfo.

The fourth prompt, futile, is open until January 12. Feel free to combine the two prompts.

Please suggest a prompt here.
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Challenge #4 - futile [Jan. 6th, 2008|07:23 am]

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Title: Closing Doors.
Character(s): Pansy Parkinson, Madam Rosmerta, Millicent Bulsrode, Minister of Magic, a hag
Pansy/Minister; Millicent/Rosmerta (off-screen)
Rating: R (?)
Warning(s): allusions to prostitution
Challenge(s): prompt #4 - futile
Word count: 103
Author's notes: set 2-3 years after the Battle of Hogwarts.

Disclaimer: JKR owns all; I make no money & mean no harm.

Pansy closed the shop-door gently. What she wanted to do was slam it hard, and then hex it into thousands of pieces. For all of the Minister of Magic’s press releases about “the innocence of most Slytherins” no-one wanted to hire a suspected Death-Eater.

Stifling the longing to apparate to The Three Broomsticks, where she knew Rosmerta would fuss over her, for Mill’s sake if no other reason, she reluctantly apparated to her only hope for money.

“Knew you’d be back, dearie”, the hag cackled. “Your regular client is waiting for you.”

“Hello, Shacklebolt”, Pansy said, carefully closing the bedroom door behind her.

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Favorite Maze drabble [Jan. 3rd, 2008|12:41 am]

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Happy New Year, people! =D

Please vote for your favorite Maze drabble over at LJ.
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Prompt #4: Futile [Dec. 29th, 2007|09:14 pm]

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Our fourth prompt is Futile.

The challenge is open until January 12, 2008. Please follow the community guidelines at the userinfo.

The third prompt, game, is open until January 5 (bonus points if you include Tom Riddle/Lord Voldemort). Feel free to combine the two prompts.

Please suggest a prompt here.
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"Palindrome" (Draco/Su Li, G, 100 words) [Dec. 25th, 2007|01:03 am]

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Title: Palindrome
Pairing(s): Draco/Su Li
Rating: G
Challenge: Game
Word count: 100 words
Author's notes: This Draco and Su Li are from “People Like Us.” This drabble is the easiest and fastest that I've ever written *g*

“You know what today is?”

Su Li looked up from the crossword puzzle in the newspaper. Draco sounded excited, as if it was someone’s birthday or anniversary.

“Well it’s not my birthday or yours. Saturday?” Li hazarded a guess.

“No, it’s 10 February 2001.” Draco pronounced with a wide smile.

“And…” Li prompted.

“It’s a palindrome date!” The blond man jabbed the air with his finger. “We’re only going to see one more in our lifetime: 20 February 2002!”

Li grinned up at Draco. “Moments like this, I love you so hard.”

Draco scoffed, cheeks a little rosy. “You Ravenclaws.

(X-posted at writing_game here and @ LJ).
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Favorite Seasons drabble [Dec. 23rd, 2007|09:35 am]

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Please vote for your favorite Seasons drabble over at LJ =D
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"Mind Games" (Padma on H/D, PG-13, 100 words) [Dec. 22nd, 2007|03:11 am]

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Title: Mind Games
Character(s): Padma Patil, perceived Harry/Draco, an assortment of Ravenclaws
Rating: PG-13 for the word "arse" =P
Challenge: Game
Word count: 100
Author's notes: based on my Padma Patil application for an IJ rpg.

The Gryffindor Chaser—Winnet? Spinnet?—scored another goal, and everyone cheered.

Padma was bored. Gryffindor always wins—they have Harry Potter, after all—and Ravenclaw wasn’t even in the running for the Quidditch Cup. It had been two—possibly three—centuries since Ravenclaw last won the Cup.

“You know,” Padma said in a thoughtful tone. “I wonder why Harry Potter finds Draco Malfoy’s arse so fascinating.”


“Give me those binoculars!”

“Crikey! Potter is engrossed with Malfoy's backside.”

“He can’t be expecting to see the Snitch to appear there."

"Wait until Cho hear about this!"

Padma just hummed to herself.

(X-posted @ LJ)
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Prompt #3: Game [Dec. 22nd, 2007|03:08 am]

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Happy Holidays, everyone! =D

Happy birthday, Ralph Fiennes!

Our third prompt is Game.

The challenge is open until January 5, 2008. Bonus points if you include Tom Riddle/Lord Voldemort. Please follow the community guidelines at the userinfo.

The second prompt, maze, is open until December 29 (bonus points if you include Blaise Zabini). Feel free to combine the two prompts.

Please suggest a prompt here.
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[Dec. 18th, 2007|08:45 am]

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Title: Maze

Author: red_day_dawning

Challenge: maze

Character/s: Millicent Bulstrode; Madam Rosmerta

Pairing/s: Millicent/Rosmerta

Word count: 100

Rating: mild (Gen?)

Warnings: none

Author notes: not beta read. Takes place 1-2 years post-war - no underage stuff!


No less than five men had tried to chat up Rosmerta in the last hour, Millicent knew. She had counted.

Watching the way the woman smiled easily from behind the bar; those lithe and luscious curves; heavy breasts practically tumbling out of her dress; round, curvaceous arse; the gleam of pale skin over her sculptured cheekbones – it was hardly surprising to Millicent that the woman was so desired, by so many people. No, the surprise was the wink Rosmerta gave her, and the unmistakable invitation to go upstairs with her at night’s end.

Romance was a maze, Millicent thought happily.
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Slytherin_100 challenge: Maze [Dec. 17th, 2007|10:24 pm]

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Title: A Beautiful Woman Like You

Author: red_day_dawning

Challenge: Maze – Slytherin_100

Character/s: Millicent Bulstrode; Madam Rosmerta

Pairing/s: Millicent/Rosmerta

Word count: 3 x approx.100

Rating: R?

Warning: mild femme slash; tiny bit of naked caressing

Author’s notes: Takes place 1-2 years after the Battle at Hogwarts; nothing underage.  Posted at Slytherin_100 at InsaneJournal.


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Prompt #2: Maze [Dec. 15th, 2007|11:36 pm]

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Our second prompt is Maze.

The challenge is open until December 29, 2007. Bonus points if you include Blaise Zabini.
Please follow the community guidelines at the userinfo.

The first prompt, seasons, is open until December 22, 2007. Feel free to combine the two prompts.

Please suggest a prompt here.
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Seasons [Dec. 10th, 2007|01:20 pm]


Title: Seasons
Character(s):Severus Snape
Warning(s): Nope
Challenge(s): Seasons prompt
Word count:100
Author's Note:Crossposted to both lj and ij.

Seasons. He hated them. Summer was sickeningly hot. Fall meant a new crop of first-years to shatter. Spring, oh, he loathed spring with a passion. Spring meant students snogging (though it was fun to pounce on them and give them detention), flowers everywhere (and his allergies acting up) and the old man being frighteningly cheerful. An extra-cheery Dumbledore was a frightening thing. And then there was winter. The only bright spot in winter was his annual bottle of good scotch from Lucius. All in all, if he'd designed the world, there'd be one temperature all year round. And no pollen.
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"Solitudes of Two" (Lucius/Draco, PG, 100) [Dec. 9th, 2007|05:15 pm]


Title: Solitudes of Two
Character(s): Draco, Lucius and Narcissa mentioned
Pairing(s): Lucius/Draco
Rating: PG
Warning(s): while this can be read as gen, there's an implication of incest
Challenge(s): "Seasons"
Word count: 100
Author's notes: Please don't archive anywhere at all.
Disclaimer: All canon referred to within belongs to JK Rowling, Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books, Raincoast Books, Warner Bdos. Inc., and possibly others. Non-canon bits were created for non-profit, non-infringement entertainment.

Solitudes of Two )
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Prompt #1: Seasons [Dec. 7th, 2007|01:49 am]
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Our first prompt is Seasons.

The challenge is open until December 22, 2007. Please follow the community guidelines at the userinfo.

Please suggest a prompt here.
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Prompt Suggestion Box [Dec. 6th, 2007|04:32 pm]
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Drop your prompts here :-) )
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Introduction Post [Dec. 6th, 2007|04:24 pm]

Hi, I'm your [info]slytherin_100 mod, [info]lilian_cho :-)

I have been the mod of Slytherin100 at LJ for almost a year now. This community was created in case to mirror the LJ, but non-LJ users are also welcome!

Please indulge me and introduce yourself in the comments:
(Name, Fav. Slytherin, Slyth/Slyth OTP, Slyth/non-Slyth OTP, House affiliation.)

I'll go first:

Name: [info]lilian_cho

Fav. Slytherin: I live and breathe fangirl Draco Malfoy. (I also love Snape and Lucius, but not to the unhealthy degree that I love Draco.)

Slyth/Slyth OTP: Draco/Blaise. Severus/Lucius. Albus Severus/Scorpius.
Slyth/non-Slyth OTP: Harry/Draco. And Severus/Remus.
Draco is my little black dress. I read and write just about anything with Draco in it.

House affiliation: Ravenclaw first and foremost (total bookworm), Gryffindor second (passionate, insensitive), Slytherin third (ambition), Hufflepuff last (not the most loyal person here).
A Gryffinclaw, I suppose.
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