Slytherin 100 - April 28th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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April 28th, 2009

slytherin100 #39 Masks [Apr. 28th, 2009|08:59 pm]


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[Current Mood | quixotic]

Title: Masks
Character(s): Severus, general DeathEaters
Pairing(s): None
Rating: G
Warning(s): dark?
Challenge(s): slytherin100 prompt 39 Masks
Word count: 100
Author's notes: X-posted.

Severus always thought effective masks should not conceal but reveal. Ideally they were faces themselves - visible, open, showing shadows of wariness and vulnerability, obfuscating more critical truth. Such masks would be accepted unquestioned.

These were not masks so much as threats. The smooth superior gold showed only eyes looking into those of their victims - eyes drunk on blood, violence and dark magic. No humanity of a lip caught between resolute teeth must show; no vulnerability of fine hair against a still-soft cheek.

Their skin and forms were neutralised, leaving only their soul-baring eyes naked to their Dark Lord.
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