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The Gutter

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day 5: John & Caitlin. [05 Feb 2017|08:55pm]
"Tell me a bit about her."

She idly traces circles around his nipple before reaching up to brush the back of her hand against the stubble growing along his jaw, blissfully unaware of how many times they've had this conversation before. The way she looks up at him with eyes that adore him catches him offguard sometimes. Does she fall in love with him over and over again every weekend? Did it matter what he did, what he said, or what happened to her earlier in the week? Was this all predestined, or just a looping program trying to con him into feeling like everything would be fine?

"I don't want to talk about her."

This week she doesn't pout or ask 'why not' or do anything to help him get what he needed to get off his chest. This week she meets his cynicism and raises the bet by not playing grief counsellor. There is concern in her glossy eyes before she looks away and shuffles in closer, resting her head on his chest. Her delicate hand dips down below the blanket and she rakes her fingernails across an invisible line where his briefs had sat before she eased them off last night and giggled against his lips.

"Let's not talk, then."

[ viewing | February 5th, 2017 ]
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