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The Gutter

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Day 29 of 29. Kakashi. [29 Feb 2016|11:57pm]
Even after all these years he doesn't feel lonely having these one-sided conversations with the muted gravestones. Sometimes there were many things he felt he needed to update the ghosts that he had created. So many things had happened since they were gone (since he killed them). Sometimes he just wanted to sit in silence with their company. For while he might be making peace with Rin's suicide, impaling herself against the cacophony of his birdsong blade which was the bravest thing she could have done (the bravest thing he didn't have the strength or resolve to do) even though they were young and scared and trying to make sense of their chaotic world of senseless violence, he couldn't help but wonder if she blamed him. He knew Obito would have. Breaking a promise was despicable, but killing a dead man's lover - surely that was unforgiveable.

If ghosts could talk he would have liked to hear what either of them would have to say about this future that he was seeing with Obito's eye. This version of events. The world and the path they had to carve within it from the moment they were born was an indiscriminately cruel (did that still make it cruel though?) and dangerous place. He didn't think he would have made it this far. Perhaps that was why he did - perhaps it was his burden to bear.

The sun sets to a chorus of cicadas and crickets, and the long shadows cast by the tombstones bid him goodbye. One day he won't need to spend as much time here as he does. But for now, the shadows make for comforting company.

[ viewing | February 29th, 2016 ]
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