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The Gutter

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Day 23 of 29. Romeo. [23 Feb 2016|05:08pm]
The topic of other clients, which... came up a lot, was always one that he found awkward to navigate. So many nightly companions wanted to be The One - whatever that meant - and while he'd always been adept at maintaining that illusion just for that night, he always found it a little bit strange to devote even a small portion of their allotted time together talking about other people that they didn't know and were possibly jealous of.

In the end, most of them were all the same. Lonely and uncertain and slightly desperate. Of course, there was the odd client who just wanted to have the space and freedom to systematically dismantle, disassemble and disembowel him, but the others all craved the warmth of a live body and the touch of a familiar hand.

"No one else matters," he promised in a whisper. He was such a good dog, conditioned to serve and please, that it never seemed like anything more than second nature to him.

[ viewing | February 23rd, 2016 ]
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