The City That Never Sleeps;; A ROLEPLAY COMMUNITY - June 18th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The City That Never Sleeps;; A ROLEPLAY COMMUNITY

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June 18th, 2011

date night [Jun. 18th, 2011|10:08 pm]
FEATURING→ Sofia and Amber (and misc.)
RATED→ Possible R for language and light sexuality.


Amber paced the living room of their house, smoothing her outfit that Kate made just for her date. She bit her lip. "Mom, are you sure this looks good on me? I mean... Sofia will like it right?" She paced again, whimpering. "She's... fuck... this is... a REAL date! No Bailey... hopefully no vomiting, right?!" She looked up at her mom.
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