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[08 Dec 2022|12:47pm]
woke up this morning with a psl idea that’s not for everyone, but i’ll go fishing anyway & see who bites! slash for two older men, 40-50ish, an affair with a kink… but i want to explore more of the psychology and the relationship that develops, not just smash-banging for the good ol’ dirty fun of it.

if you’re curious, lmk and i’ll send a custom your way.
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[08 Dec 2022|05:21pm]
Developing a Tom Ellis pb for [info]eliteclub He is an irredeemable human being with a smattering of good qualities that you have to look hard to find. Pansexual (or honestly, yes please is his sexuality), field player, disaster but can be fun, too? Looking specifically for at least one dramatic ex line - more is always good. If he ever did settle down it'd be in something poly and that's about as likely as his wearing a shirt when he can get away with not wearing one. Anyone interested in working something out? Still debating on member or maybe a sex worker.
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[ viewing | December 8th, 2022 ]
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