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[23 Aug 2022|05:31am]
i'd love to write a pb line that spans over the course of a few years within a few scenes, starting the summer before my character leaves for college. the scenes would take place during his visits home, where he slowly transitions from twink to twunk, with some chatting in between. hoping for some changes in the pairing's dynamic, maybe him getting more dominant over time, though it's not required. i'd love to pb manu rios in this, but i'm also open to suggestions, and i'm not too terribly caught up on who you choose to pb. your character could be his age or older. open to taboo themes, trans characters/him being trans, and most kinks. happy to use apps or journals or both!
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[23 Aug 2022|03:45pm]
Are you going to kneel before your prince or do you think you can make him yield?

Daemon Targaryen open for lines. OCs welcome. Criston Cole would be fucking adored. I'm new at the character so be gentle; the gods know Daemon won't be.
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[23 Aug 2022|07:27pm]
Looking for a slash line to join a small, chill, horror themed GPSL [info]loslunas

The idea: My character has recently been recruited by a group of supernatural hunters. Unfortunately, he’s really bad at it and has almost gotten himself killed multiple times.

Your character would be a seasoned hunter (age range 25-35+) who becomes fed up with my character’s incompetence. So yours decides he’s going to put mine through the ringer to toughen him up and mold him into a proper monster killer. He’ll teach him to fight, shoot, stab, stake, and well, maybe to just stop being such a pussy in general. Will he succeed? Probably not.

They can be human or werewolf or changeling. Maybe they even met in the past at some point before mine got tangled up with the hunters. Could be they hit it off during my character’s first and only experimental trip to a gay club but mine got cold feet before going home with yours. Maybe yours was a regular at the diner mine worked at. Or perhaps yours was an older brother to one of mine’s school bullies who could have stepped in but never did.

Looking for a tension filled kind of line, nothing fluffy.

Suggested PBs: Jensen Ackles (a la Soldier Boy) Ben Barnes, Charlie Hunnam, Robert Pattison, Dacre Montgomery, Tao Caino, but I am totally open to suggestions!

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