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[27 Jul 2022|09:29am]
Looking for a line to join a small horror themed GPSL based around hunters of the supernatural with a heavy emphasis on actual WRITING and character development.

The idea: My character (this journal) is newly affiliated with a group of hunters that have been called to come together in New Mexico for various assignments. But he is just not made of the same stuff most of the hunters there are. He’s cowardly, has no idea how to fight let alone fire a gun, and doesn’t actually want to have to kill anyone / anything.

I’m looking for someone to play a seasoned hunter (age range 25-35+) who keeps getting paired with him for assignments and becomes fed up with his incompetence and having to play babysitter. So your character decides he’s going to put mine through the ringer to toughen him up and mold him into a proper monster killer whether he likes it or not, and if he has to kick his ass a hundred times a day to do it… so be it. They become a merciless, antagonistic “mentor” and their relationship with mine is rife with tension, frustration, and (of course) an undercurrent of sexual attraction.

I’m into the slow burn with forays into smut that lead to regret filled mornings after. Feelings can be caught, sure, but I am not looking for fluff.

Suggested PBs: Jensen Ackles (a la Soldier Boy PLZ) Ben Barnes, Charlie Hunnam, Robert Pattison, Dacre Montgomery, but I am totally open to other faces, just ask!

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[27 Jul 2022|10:00pm]
I would love to have either of these lines filled. Or both!

**Meet Jason. He's more of an introvert, a loner and has been this way most of his life. The shy one who's a little awkward and not one to make a scene. He works from home and spends his free time scribbling away on a book he dreams of publishing someday, listening to music or painting. Enter your character. He's the opposite of Jason. Outgoing, charismatic, charming and worldly. The two are opposites, but there's an attraction. Lets brainstorm and explore how they meet and where they go.

**A and B have been best friends since high school. A recently got engaged and it has thrown B for a loop. All the feelings he's held inside for A over the years are compiled with his fear of losing him forever. I would like for them to get together eventually, but that's not set in stone. Lets brainstorm and see what we can come up with. Expect some angst, ups and downs and fluff along the way.
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[27 Jul 2022|11:37pm]
an eddie munson for my steve? looking for a complex line, not heavily smut-focused to start. it would also be cool to start a gpsl if anyone is interested - my comments are screened!
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[27 Jul 2022|11:54pm]
Seeking a journal-based, slash, slice-of-life line with this character (bio is open for more information) against a male who is somewhere between their late 20s and early 40s. Aiming to brainstorm ideas for a natural jumping off point and seeing how the characters develop rather than jumping into something super plot-heavy. Comments are screened.
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