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[12 Jul 2022|06:33am]
check the journal, its pairings i'm looking for
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[12 Jul 2022|06:41am]
still looking for a slash biker line, think sons of anarchy/mayans
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[12 Jul 2022|11:15am]
Looking for a pls or two, post in journal is screened.
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[12 Jul 2022|10:20pm]
hey! i just watched a couple mediocre movies that feel like they could translate into lines if anyone's interested?

1. the watcher. in the film a woman moves to a country where she doesn't speak the language and becomes convinced that someone in the building across the street is following her and watching her in their apartment constantly. avoiding spoilers on anything further but we could go many ways with it. (watcher/watched but it leans more smut than sinister; watched/another window's watched vs watcher; watcher/watched murdery etc)

2. take the night. a man hires a group of career criminals to fake-kidnap his brother to get him to a party and the plan goes awry when the criminals have plans of their own for what to do when they have him. (kidnapped/kidnapper secret alliance; kidnapper/kidnapper when something goes wrong during their plans, etc)

no pbs in mind, totally open. comment if you're interested!
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