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[05 Jul 2022|07:29am]
Anything for Will? Someone his age for a first love, or aged up a few years for someone a little older?

Like everyone else right now, I would love Eddie Munson. But also, other canon characters, OCs, crossovers. This guy deserves better.
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[05 Jul 2022|05:10pm]
looking to pick up a few more long term lines. i have some basic ideas up in this journal which i'd love to brainstorm on. check the icons for faces but i am also open to picking up others.
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long shot [05 Jul 2022|06:59pm]
does anyone know who the band Psyclon Nine is?
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[05 Jul 2022|07:03pm]
looking for a brian kinney character, don't care what face you use.
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