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[12 May 2022|06:09am]
would someone do a line a slash version of sons of anarchy or mayans?
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[12 May 2022|07:40am]
check the journal
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[12 May 2022|02:03pm]
can i get something for this guy right here?
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[12 May 2022|02:18pm]
i am here to fill your lines! check the journal - the line there is optional if you're interested - and slip me a custom if you have something you'd like me to fill. prefer to stay as bin bons (ben barnes) but history open.
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[12 May 2022|04:03pm]
My bumbling and slightly inept wizard's apprentice hires a mercenary to help him deliver something to his master's tower. When they arrive, they find the wizard murdered and themselves launched into conspiracy and adventure.
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[12 May 2022|04:39pm]
would anyone play mgk against travis either pb/celeb? drama is a +++ as well!
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[12 May 2022|04:58pm]
long shot does anyone play frank iero?
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[ viewing | May 12th, 2022 ]
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