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[11 Apr 2022|08:15am]
I know this place has been pretty quiet lately, but since I managed to crawl out of my cave without speaking in the third person and calling myself "Precious", (something I'm sure a lot of us can relate to) I want to try for some lines.

I'm looking for something rather simple and fairly easy going. Maybe some slice of life or family centered kind of ease.

I'm always a sucker and would love love the cliche trope of idiot best friend's who don't realize they love each other and are always put in awkward situations realizing those feelings. Give me the good ol' one is gay and one is straight but has never stopped them from already acting couple-ish but they're too stubborn to admit it and everyone knows it but them.

I'm open to the ideas of boss and employee hush hush at the office.

I'll take the classic one night stand whoopsie pregnancy/mating and how they now have to navigate it. I'm 100% okay pouring on the diabetes going cheese with it rolling it into that best friend's in denial.

Slash wanted. ABO friendly.

I'd like to play the Omega if going that route or a switch at the very least with the other lines. I don't think I have the mental capacity to be strictly a top right now. I can't promise being a boomerang tagger either but you still will get at least several per week. Not really picky on faces.
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[11 Apr 2022|12:07pm]
My kingdom for a Sebastian Stan at [info]pridefalls. Open to anything, but perhaps a spinster Omega who has been scaring off possible suitors for years through the sheer strength of his scowl? An Alpha with less than “heterosexual” desires? ANYTHING! I pay in cliches.

And of course, anyone else interested in this fun little game! Comments screened
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