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[06 Mar 2022|10:19am]
I come bearing two requests! For the first, I'd love a few more PSLs for Oberyn Martell. I welcome either canon characters from the GoT verse, or cross-canon from shows of a similar genre.

Secondly, I'd love to find lines for John Constantine. I'll happily write him from either the comics or compliant with Legends of Tomorrow. I'd also entertain a line involving original characters that is inspired by Hellblazer.
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[06 Mar 2022|11:42am]
I discovered the existence of an online manga called "The Cheapskate Knight Wants to Make Me Cry". I haven't read it, but the general premise was inspiring: character A creates a useful commodity when he cries emotional tears; character B finds out and wants to take advantage.

Does anyone want to either
A) play this as simple smut?
B) want to play this as the subplot to a characters A and B being thrown together while solving a murder?

Reply here or on the journal.
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[06 Mar 2022|06:31pm]
hoping to find a chris evans for something long term with a combination of fun, drama, etc. you can comment here or the screened post in the journal if you’d like me to set up a custom at all!
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