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dippin toes in again [09 Jan 2022|01:50am]
Just to see what people would find fun, honestly. )
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[09 Jan 2022|05:16am]
would anyone play shawn mendes, harry styles, lil huddy, bieber zayn malik or adore delano against joe jonas? i'll take other suggestions as well, guys only
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[09 Jan 2022|04:34pm]
looking for something where the bad boy meets a good boy doing community service and something builds between them? prefer something that develops over time, with smut, plot, fluff, and drama. early 20s age range and wire preferred but willing to do journals if anybody's interested!
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[09 Jan 2022|10:22pm]
I'm looking for an active and available writer/co-mod who would be interested in worldbuilding and creating a slash gpsl with me or if that fails and the gpsl doesn't get enough interest (applications), would be willing to continue the story between our own characters. I'm especially interested in epic fantasy, postapocalyptic or superpowers and already have quite a few ideas but would expect you to contribute with your own as well. If interested, please comment the screened post in my journal.
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[ viewing | January 9th, 2022 ]
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