slash storyline community's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
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[04 Jan 2022|04:33am]
wanted to see if someone would pb/celeb harry styles, liam payne, joe or nick jonas, chris evans, jake gyllenhaal, justin bieber or shawn mendes against cameron dallas, jake bass, max ryder, jaden smith, cole whittle, brendon urie, pete wentz or frank iero
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[04 Jan 2022|02:38pm]
Looking for a storyline for my gay wizard. He travels around in his enchanted camper and reads portents to find magical problems and try and fix them. He's generally a loner and prefers rural living to cities. I'm interested in mystery, adventure, and relationship building-- maybe opposite a ghost or spirit he's trying to help, a man marked by Fate, or some other creature from folklore. I definitely enjoy the "getting to know you" phase as they work together to solve some problem, but not so much antagonistic or hostile relationships.
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[04 Jan 2022|06:14pm]
looking for a long term slash line, have a specific ideas. you can comment this journal here, the ideas i'm looking for are listed
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