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[01 May 2021|05:44am]
dirty customs, scenes and anything your kinky heart desires. all the gorgeous men in the mcu welcome. also anyone else too, i may be a greedy man but i am not so bad at sharing either. let's have some fun. oscar isaac i will worship you.
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[01 May 2021|09:13am]
[info]nightmarket First adds tonight! Send us your apps and join the supernatural a/b/o fun in Boston's old town!
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[01 May 2021|01:31pm]
Looking for Chris Noth, Jared Padalecki, Manish Dayal and other cliche faces for Matt at a small writing-centric gpsl for specifics. Non-sexually, this guy has up to three early 20s kids if that interests you as well.
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[01 May 2021|01:49pm]
Students and connections for this guy at [info]calixto. Criminal Minds (all series), Goran Visjnic and other cliche faces loved, I have specifics for the CM faces and Goran and am open to others.
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[ viewing | May 1st, 2021 ]
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