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[13 Apr 2021|05:30am]
can i get a psl for travis barker?
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[13 Apr 2021|05:51am]
looking for someone that will either a) play frank iero against mikey way, b) gerard against bert mccracken, c)frank iero against gerard, d) a brian kinney type of character from the show queer as folk e) jake g or colin f against jared leto
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[13 Apr 2021|06:33am]
can i get something slash for david, romeo or brooklyn beckham?
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[13 Apr 2021|07:17pm]
customs for justice??
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[13 Apr 2021|08:02pm]
Something supernatural for his magic using private detective (a la Dresden Files)? A client, an informant, a werecreature to help him cope with his new were curse? I'm open to ideas and faces, just want to write something fun!
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[ viewing | April 13th, 2021 ]
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