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[25 Feb 2021|07:11am]
looking for someone to play ryan ross or taylor hanson for me
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psl [25 Feb 2021|11:47am]
stephen amell to dp grant with me! or you know, pretty much anyone to pass around and share gustin with. more one on one psls, especially ones with toppy twinks. henry cavill to come and lemme worship him endlessly.
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[25 Feb 2021|09:59pm]
This newly single father moved to a small town (or back to his hometown that he left almost 20 years ago) to give himself and his kid a new start. He's a bit stressed, a bit uptight, and is quitting being a workaholic cold turkey. I'd love to find a guy who can help him learn to relax and have fun again. Maybe a new neighbor, an old friend, his kid's teacher. I'm open to ideas! I'm looking for plot and fluff with a good dose of smut thrown in here and there.
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[ viewing | February 25th, 2021 ]
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