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[22 Feb 2021|09:01am]
would someone be down for playing either ryan gosling or another male with the personality of brian kinney?
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[22 Feb 2021|02:04pm]
Imagine a fantasy world where the different cultures are insular, where dwarves and elves and humans have only read or heard stories about each other until one day, when desperation against a common enemy brings them together, suddenly they meet.

Looking for a line with culture shock, maybe language barriers, star-crossed lovers (but they're not the only ones) and trauma bonding during a war or siege. Hoping for something equally plotty and smutty. Elf/dwarf or Elf/rugged mountain man. Will play either elf or other, would love to double up characters and play both. There are ideas involving incest and a/b/o if either of those are of interest but aren't must haves.

There's a screened post at my journal or here.
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[22 Feb 2021|05:53pm]
Looking for muscle hunks for this vampire to top while he drinks them.
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[22 Feb 2021|06:15pm]
hoping for a potentially long term line, he's the head of a growing business and seeking a personal a personal assistant. it's the sort of position that could open almost any door if you can make it through the year. what wasn't fully advertised was the expectation that they'd be serving every need of their new employer, finding themselves on their knees during business meetings or bent over a desk in full view of the rest of the office at his whim. But it's just business as usual for this company, no one bats an eye at it, and they just have to get through the year.

journals only, comment here or in the journal.
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[22 Feb 2021|09:33pm]
dirty customs?
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[ viewing | February 22nd, 2021 ]
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