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[03 Jan 2021|01:31am]
can i get something for gavin where it actually lasts?
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[03 Jan 2021|01:27pm]
A Luke Cook for my Gavin Leatherwood PB? Line ideas in the journal!
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[03 Jan 2021|05:50pm]
looking to play this trans sex worker in either a pb or celeb line.
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[03 Jan 2021|07:34pm]
Looking for something low key, fun, fluffy, maybe supernatural or scifi for this guy (he was created years ago for a psychic centered game and it would be fun to revisit that aspect of him). My kingdom for a Pedro Pascal pb but I'm open to faces!
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[03 Jan 2021|11:06pm]
anyone want to bring in a slashline to [info]peaksisland?
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[ viewing | January 3rd, 2021 ]
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