Sirius Black
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Back October 2nd, 2013 Forward
Sirius Black Fest 2013: Fic: Right Now and So Strong

Title: Right Now and So Strong
Author: Currently behind The Veil
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Sirius/Harry, (Hermione/Ron, Kreacher)
Rating: NC-17
Prompt #: 20 AU Sirius lives. After the war Harry moves in with Sirius and they both have nightmares and comfort each other. One thing leads to another…
Word count: 4,540
Summary: Please see the awesome, awesome prompt.
Warnings: Highlight to read: *godfather/godson, cross-gen (39/18), mentions of major canon character deaths*
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
A/N: Thank you to my brilliant betas _ and _. You are just lovely, and I'm sorry that because of prolonged computer problems I could not use your valuable insights. Thank you for your cheerleading and support!

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Current Mood: good
2013 Recs Collection Post

We'd like to spread the Sirius love far and wide so we want your recs! Pieces recced three times can be sent to the [info]daily_snitch and included in the "Hot Recs" section of their newsletter. The rules for submitting a piece to the "Hot Recs" are as follows:

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 If you've recced something please comment to this post, putting the name of the piece that you're reccing in the title of the comment and a link to the rec in the comment body.  When we collect three recs for a piece we'll send it over to the [info]daily_snitch.  We'll include a link to this rec collection post in the weekly round-ups.

 We would love for our artists and authors to have their works seen and appreciated by as many people as possible so if you've recced something, please let us know!

Current Mood: okay
Back October 2nd, 2013 Forward