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[16 Aug 2009|09:28pm]

If someone is looking for me to say something...prophetic? Look for my character on TNA, The Fallen Angel, Christopher Daniels. You want the basics on comics, friendship or just having a good time? Hit me up. I'm Daniel Covell, aka Chris to some and I work for TNA and am a comic book freak. I guess that's why I not only get along with the dork who calls himself a phenom, but I like to think I get along pretty well with these nerds.

Other than that, I'm newly divorced, sometimes you just can't make things work if it's not a part of fate for them to and I work for TNA as myself now instead of the loveable and yummy Curryman. Oh. Yeah. And I played Suicide for a bit too.

Easiest way to reach me? comicmandaniels. Love it. Use it. Abuse it? ...maybe. Or you could just say hi.
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Okay, so here's the deal... [30 Jul 2009|10:05pm]

[ mood | happy ]

Everyone who knows who I am, say hi! :) Anyone I may not know...introduce yourself!

And if you don't, I will seriously have to kick your ass ;)

Stacy Marie is baaaaaaaaaack.

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:) [07 Jul 2009|09:59am]

[ mood | excited ]

So, hi! I'm assuming that people know me but that's getting a little over confident, right? So yeah, I'm Trish. I've missed a lot these past few years but I haven't stopped watching to keep up with things and I've missed a lot of you.

So please, say hi!


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[04 Jul 2009|08:20pm]

I suck at intros... I'm Amy Dumas, formerly known as LITA. I spent years kicking dudes asses in the WWF/E..and also getting my ass beat. If memory serves me correctly, Lisa Marie and I are still the only 2 chicks in the company to partake in a Cage Match.

I love Trish Stratus
I hate Trish Stratus
I love to hate Trish Stratus ;)

This diva's gone black and sings in a punk rock band, go figure huh?

anyways, if you need to find me, AmestheLuchagor is the way to do it.

Oh yeah, I still spaz for the Hardy Boys..yes BOTH of them :)
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