Wizarding Singles RPG OOC's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Wizarding Singles RPG OOC

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[16 Apr 2009|09:08pm]
So look at me, not being made of fail!

I am Sally, and this is Harry Potter. :D He's a big ball of angst right now, but he keeps it hidden well for the most part. You all know his life story, I'm sure, so I don't think I need to go into that, but cliffnotes for how Harry's doing right now: It's not so great. He's trying to simultaneously keep his friends and push them away, because people close to him keep dying, so he knows that it's bad to be around him. But he hates being alone. So he's torn. :\

But! I'm available for plottings either through email at aurieal@yahoo.com, or on AIM at GangarXBangar. HIT ME UP.
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