Wizarding Singles RPG's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Wizarding Singles RPG

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[12 Mar 2009|12:30pm]
Who: Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy
When: After dinner
Where: The Quidditch Pitch
What: It's about time these two had some snark, yeah? Also Draco reveals some information to be used to the DA's advantage
Rating/Status: Eh, somewhere between PG and PG13 depending on the language. / Incomplete

tell me how you've never felt delicate or innocent )
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[12 Mar 2009|09:25pm]
Who: Anthony Goldstein and Kevin Entwhistle
When: Thursday, March 12th, Late Evening
Where: The Ravenclaw Seventh Year Boys' Dorm
What: Anthony finds something he shouldn't.
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Anthony pursed his lips, knowing there was no way to hide it now. )
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