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[Nov. 5th, 2008|07:02 am]
WHO Carlee York and Julian Jones
WHERE DJ BOOTH Velvet Underground
WHEN Halloween Masquerade

Not a Waitress )
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Email [Oct. 29th, 2008|12:58 pm]
For Meri )
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Apologetically Yours, Zach [Oct. 14th, 2008|06:28 pm]
Where: Chandler's Condo
Who: Meri and to whoever.
When: Afterwork

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Sinfully Yours, Zach [Oct. 9th, 2008|01:40 pm]
Who: Nat and Zach...whoever else would be there. 
When: Thursday Afternoon 
What: Lunch with Nat

Lines )
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Sincerely Yours, Zach [Oct. 3rd, 2008|04:06 pm]
Why: SO he doesn't get throat punched
What: GIFTS (You know you love the chicken hat...)
Who: Zach to Mer.

Honestly, he wasn't a complete ass.  But he had to deal with the issue before he could relax enough to well...let it sink in.  If she had told them initially, then maybe he wouldn't have been so rattled.  But no, she'd waited six months so now he and his father had had a lot of ground to cover.  Having finished with the fire, he had time to focus on more personal things, thanks to Bella and Arianna.  It seemed, to him, suddenly he was closer to them then he was to Mel, Mer, or Natasha.  What had happened to drive them all apart?  Maybe it was him...was he at fault?  Well, whatever the reason, Zach was ready to play happy uncle so long as she didn't have anymore surprises for her.  On the phone for an hour and a half, he had the list and went down to find his assistant. She drug him all over town and before the day was out...the deliveries had started. 
Note Attached to First Delivery: You probably have everything you need, but let me do this for you.  I love you Mer.

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Cell Message For Melody (Night of the Announcement) [Oct. 1st, 2008|12:56 pm]
When: Night of the Announcement
Why: Damage Control
What: Phone Message
Who: Zach to Melody 

Message )

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Delightfully Yours, Zach [Sep. 27th, 2008|10:07 am]
When: 9/27/08
Where: Sinclair Towers
Who: Arianna and Zach
What: Dinner

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