Simple_Slash - Your asylum for Simple Plan slash's Journal
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Sunday, January 17th, 2010

    Time Event
    Lovesick Melody (Stop this song) [1/1]

    Title: Along to the Sound of Your Song, My Stupid Feet Keep Moving

    Pairing: Pierre/Sebastien
    Summary: "He tried to ignore it, tried to ignore the warm wetness that spilled down his cheeks, tried to ignore his heaving shoulders."
    Disclaimer: I do not own any of the persons or lyrics mentioned herein. I do not make any monetary gain, claim any of these events to have happened, or mean any disrespect.
    Warnings: Major Seb angst
    Author's Note: Anybody want to teach me how to change the layout of the asylum? :D


    Meaning [1/1]
    Title: Meaning
    Author: [info]shiek_2
    Pairing: Pierre/David
    Summary: "Normally he would've blown out the blazing candles in a hyperactive happy rush, but today he's feeling different, strangely philosophical." 
    Rating: PG-13 for suggestiveness
    Disclaimer: I don't own Simple Plan, isn't that just depressing? None of this is real. It's fiction, and as far as I know, it never ever happened.
    Author's Note: Copius amounts of fluff and adorableness lay inside. You've been warned. :P Set around the "Still Not Getting Any..." record time-frame.

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