Wednesday, November 19th, 2008

[FIC] Gundam Wing, Duo Maxwell and the Never-Ending Circle, 1/?

Title: Duo Maxwell and the Never-Ending Circle
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairings : to be established Heero and Duo, implied Quatre & Trowa
Genre: action, adventure, light romance
Warnings : shounen ai, foul language, a little bit of violence.
Disclaimer: Gundam Wing and its characters belong to Bandai, Sunrise, Shotsu Agency. Fic written for entertainment purposes only. No money is made off of this.
Summary: Freelance adventurer Duo Maxwell is hired by multi-billionaire Quatre Raberba Winner to find a certain artifact that must restore his father’s name. Soon, Duo’s to find out that there’s much more behind this simple commission than he could ever have imagined…
Author's notes: Fic influenced by the “Tomb Raider” concept (some references to the games and movies, not a crossover fic!). Feedback is greatly appreciated.
Extra Author's note: This was the original entry to the GWyaoi.Org Novella Challenge 2006. Since then, I have severely edited and re-written the fic (especially the ending, as several reviewers pointed out it was rushed and not satisfying. I agree).
Extra Extra Author’s note: I tried to construct a Japanese equivalent to God of Life as opposed to Shinigami, God of Death. I asked someone with greater knowledge of the language, and settled for Inochi no Kami = Inochigami. This is strictly my interpretation and more than probably not grammatically correct, but it fits the story. *hides artistic license*

Key: --------- = scene change

Duo Maxwell and the Never-Ending Circle, part 1 )
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