Thursday, September 17th, 2015


[For his but any of them can see*]
Hey, I'm in the library. There's something wrong with Malia.
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Friday, August 28th, 2015

NOLA apartment

[He holds up a handful of chains.]
Do we need these tonight? I don't want to use the mountain ash if we don't have to and does the super moon have any affect on vampires?
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Tuesday, August 25th, 2015

[Stileses] (minus his Stiles)
I heard there were a lot of you guys? Like...more than the two I met and the Stiles from my, uh, reality? I just wanted to say hi. I hear there are a lot of me so...surprise. One more. This other realities thing is...really, really weird, but kind of cool I guess? Are any of you from the reality where I'm like, a werecorgi or something?

[Stileses who came and got him from the lake]
There were...two of you, right? That was real? Sorry I thought you were fancy poison hallucinations. Thanks for getting me back here.

Hey, can I ask you something? That girl who lives with us, Anna, is something up with her that I should know about? She seems kind of...I don't know. Did she know me in another reality or something?
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NOLA apartment

It's been months. What are the chances our Lydia's ever going to show up?


Heads up, I caught my dad trying to get up and walk today. I think he's planning an escape.

Also, Allison needs more blood.
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Accidental Video Post

[She's standing in the warehouse district behind a dark painted yellow line on the floor. She bends down to touch it, but that's when she hears the mechanic whir of the griever making it's way down a building. She wishes that she was back home or that she had someone to call out to, but she's alone. Nobody can hear her and she can't hear anything. She can't even tell whether or not this is going to be the death of her. She looks up at the monstrous slug machine and gets up, not breaking eye contact with it. She tries to think of all the places she might possibly be able to run or hide, but now it's turned into a spikey ball. This isn't a dream, she tells herself. Run! And she does. She sprints top speed into the city and hides behind a building as the ball rushes past her and down the street. She lost it. Her heart is racing.

She notices the tablet there, it caught the whole scene. This is some sick game. Some new supernatural enemy trying to play with her. She leans in to it and asks]

Who are you and what do you want from me?
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Monday, August 24th, 2015

[Stileses, Scotts, Allisons and Lydias she's close with*. Against Scout who is friends with Cass' group.]
(ooc: *if she's talked to them before, you're good!)

So. The Sheriff is doing better but we still don't know who went after Cass.

Not that I'm not grateful, but-- if it was someone other than one of us, we should know about it, right?

Does anyone have any ideas? [She's mostly hoping someone will come forward. But it looked so brutal, so violent. And none of them are killers. Not like that.]
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Saturday, August 15th, 2015

Pack (No kids, future kids, Melissas, or Dads)

So Peter Hale's crazy daughter is threatening my dad and I don't trust Victoria Argent not to go after Scott. We need to have more security over at the station. There are enough of us to constantly have that place guarded.
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Friday, August 14th, 2015


Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Think they'll do anything now that their Golden Boy has done the unthinkable?

(ETA) [Stiles]
[she means ~naturalemissary, but all can see]

So, how's it feel to know at least one version of your best friend is a coldblooded killer?
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Wednesday, August 12th, 2015

Beacon Hills

So, I guess a lot of you know me, but I actually haven't met any of you yet, so...hi?
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Saturday, August 8th, 2015


How is it like 2015 and the only technology we have to get around on a broken leg is a pair of crutches? I'm ten seconds from throwing these out the freaking window. I should get a scooter.
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Tuesday, August 4th, 2015


[He's dozing off when he notices Malia trying to get comfortable.]
It's sweet that you want to stay here with me but wouldn't you rather sleep in your own bed?
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Sunday, August 2nd, 2015

against evil and people who would be bad pet owners (belatedly against small kids)

[Scott is sitting on the floor with about five puppies in his lap who are all very excited to see him on the floor. Other puppies can be seen in the background puppying about. That's right, puppy cascade was permanent.]

Hey. So. Anyone looking to adopt a dog? Or two? Or...five?

[His Stiles and Allison, Andy, Unpopular Lydia]
It might not be so bad to keep a couple, right? Like, two, tops?

Also, Andy, can you come glow your eyes at them or something? Aren't you like...the top dog? Because you're a werewolf? The top dog who can make them stop trying to eat my shoes?

What happened at the prison, was that you?

[SURPRISE SPAM for imademymistakes!Stiles]
[ooc: takes place in the morning before he makes this post]

[He'd checked in a few times with his mom since Stiles had been admitted, but he hadn't gone to see him in person yet. He told himself it was because of the wish stuff, an actual puppy pack running around the Hyperion tended to be pretty freaking distracting. If he was honest with himself though, it had a lot more to do with the fact that he was too freaked out to face the sight of the version of his best friend he'd had a fight with in the hospital. He didn't want to know how close it had been. But even with a million other Scotts there to check on Stiles it was a pretty cowardly reason to stay away, and he knew it.

So now he's outside the door to the med bay taking a deep breath and securing his armful of puppies. It had seemed unfair to his Stiles to leave him with all of them, so he'd scooped a few random ones up on his way out. He's still hovering nervously outside the door when one of them yips loudly and Scott makes a face before pushing the door open with his shoulder and edging in tentatively]

Uh, hey Stiles. I just wanted to come by and see how you were doing?
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Okay, so living as a wolf was definitely not completely terrible. Not something I'd wanna do all the time or anything, but not terrible.

Gabby, you're awesome. Consider being a chef, honestly.

Dahlia, I'm sorry I made you cry when I left. [Embarrasing Uncle Level 1000: Unlocked.]

Stella, you gotta show me how that poster turned out.

Stiliski house... I'm not even sorry I gave your kids wolf rides. The giggles and high-pitched squeals were totally worth it.

[(his) Stiles]
How are you feeling, buddy?

[(Loner) Stiles]
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Wednesday, July 29th, 2015

NOLA Stiles

[She looks concerned. Allison leans in close to the screen and pushes her hair out of her face. She's not exactly sure what to say that could sum up how worried she's been.]

Hey. How are you feeling?
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Thursday, July 30th, 2015

NOLAbiffle medbay spam!

[For anyone that knows them, it probably comes as no surprise that Scott has hardly moved from his best friend's bedside since yesterday. Malia had been there, too, on the other side. He slept in a chair next to Stiles' bed and for the points when he was awake, he and Malia took turns taking every ounce of pain from him that they could.

Now, he was slumped over in that same chair he'd been in for hours, his hand resting loosely on Stiles' arm, passed out, but still alert. Listening for any sign of his friend waking up.]
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Tuesday, July 28th, 2015

Narrative or open

[He was slow on the uptake but now that he knows, he takes advantage of the wish magic going around. Last night he asked for tons of money, and when that all checked out this morning, he wished that his Jeep ran like new. He told himself that he'd take the rest of the apartment and Lydia on a joyride but the first ride is his.

He speeds down an empty road going a little faster than his dad would like and shouts gleefully as the wind blows over his face and through his hair. Suddenly the engine sputters and the car jerks forward before slowing. He knits his brow and touches the brakes, but the car jerks forward again and starts to gain speed.]

Whoa, whoa! [He slams the brakes but the car doesn't stop. An oncoming car honks and swerves away from him and he twists the wheel over to avoid a collision. The car whirls out of control, hits a bump and flies through the air, sending the car tumbling over several times until it finally loses momentum in the harsh terrain of the danger zone.

Blood trickles from his unconscious head as the breeze gently wafts smoke from the wreckage into the open air.]
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Sunday, July 26th, 2015

NOLA apartment

[She runs out of the bathroom in her pjs, wet toothbrush in hand]
Guys? [She calls out with minty fresh breath] Something happened.
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[She's on her daughter's bed, staring at a picture of the two of them when Chris comes in. There's a quiet conversations about the claims he'll make. She had a history of depression. Chris promises to tell people what he has to, but he won't let Allison believe it. She worries people will say she was weak, she took the easy way out and ask how she could do this to her family. Chris assures her Allison will know it was the hardest thing she ever did, that she did it for them.

She can feel it in her veins, the virus she was infected with taking hold. It's time. And as strong and cold and hard as Victoria Argent made herself through the years, she can't do this on her own. She has to ask for her husband's help. Because here, at the end, she was too weak. There's a sharp pain as the knife goes in, but it's over quicker than she expected.


It's not. Something happened. Something was wrong. She gasps, a deep, desperate sound as she looks around wildly.]

Chris? Chris?
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Friday, July 24th, 2015

Stalia Spam

[He flicks off the TV and heads to her bedroom to find her. He's visibly uncomfortable and trying to hide it as he hesitates by the doorway before entering.]
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Wednesday, July 22nd, 2015

NOLA apartment

All right, everyone up. Let's go.

Are you still
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