Wednesday, March 11th, 2015

Hyperion crew; No tinies

All in favor of staying in and getting drunk?
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No one who wants to kill people

Is there a place to stay here for free far away from that pool?
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Pool party is all set up! C'mon over.

[Stiles & Dahlia (separately)]
You're coming, right?

I think it's better if you sit this one out.

[Law Enforcement]
Is there one of you available to come to Watchtower?
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Tuesday, March 10th, 2015

Girl friends

[Basically last night, Teresa was at the party, at some point hooked up with Cook, and later hung out with Thomas then realized her life is a teen drama soap opera!]

So...I think I kind of have a problem. And I really don't know what to do about it...
What do you do when
I like both of them but
Oh god this is so embar
What do you do when you like two guys...for totally different reasons? One of them is really sweet and he knows you in a way other people can't, but the other one is also one of the first people you made really good friends with and he really knows what he's doing in bed how to have fun.

I don't really know what to do...I've never been in a situation like this before. I don't want to hurt either of them I don't know if Cook would be hur But I think he likes m but the whole idea of choosing seems really fucking hard. And oh my god, I'm can't believe I'm this girl right now. I don't know what girl I thought I'd be, but this wasn't it.
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Thursday, March 5th, 2015

I think my dad is gone.
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Wednesday, March 4th, 2015

Against Aliens and kids

So... do we have a Superjail or something because... I think we're all going to die. If we don't.
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Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015

Party people! ETA - Rebekah and her clan of psycho bitches can fuck off

[Friends and anyone who enjoys drugs and/or parties]
My best friend just showed up and I think this calls for a celebration! I'm throwing a party tonight at mine right now. BYOB.

Will you take the baby tonight? I can't very well have her around when I have party going.
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Saturday, February 28th, 2015

Against Peter and anyone friendly with him and also against kids (last bit delayed)

So I don't have this mystery contagious virus. Great. Does anyone actually have it besides whoever came in with it? Not asking for names just...has everyone been tested? I'd kind of like Stiles to go back to the normal amount of crazy eyes when I leave the apartment, so... updates would be great? we have to get Swiss Miss tested? I mean, is she even
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Friday, February 27th, 2015

Against kids

Could you lot possibly think of a less annoying way to alert the city when something bad happens? You know, ring a church bell, make a post?

Who was it anyway?
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Wednesday, February 18th, 2015

Allison and Robin

Hey :) Where are you?
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Monday, February 16th, 2015

Guys, I don't know how I got here, but I'm in a hall of mirrors and I can't seem to get out. Does anyone hear me? I'm yelling for help.
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Thursday, January 29th, 2015

Team Anti-Murder (but no small children)

...roll call?

Uh, what I mean by that is things have been kind of out of control lately, and I just want to see who else can...see this? That seems like a good start to maybe changing how things get handled around here, right?
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This video will play at 3:30. (and yeah, use your imagination so he doesn't have Dean Winchester voice, plz)
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ETA: Against Evil and Mini

Hey everyone, I made some muffins so if you guys want some I'll be in the lobby.

[Jason Todd]
Hi. I'm not sure if you remember me from last night, but you saved my life and I completely forgot to thank you. I don't what type of things you like, but I baked you some blueberry muffins.
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Wednesday, January 28th, 2015

"Red Hood -> Girl talk" Spam

[She walked out from the bar, she only had a cranberry juice, but Robin was getting shitfaced with her new dweeby boyfriend, James. She made her way down the street and began to hail a cab; that's when she saw him. He grabbed her and looked into her eyes. Stand still and be quiet. He said. She was, however, on vervain so she screamed at the top of her lungs, kneeing him in his man business. He looked in pain for a moment, then he looked up at her and started towards her again.

The next part was a blur. She heard the sound of glass breaking before her attacker caught fire. Her hand lifted to her mouth and she stumbled backwards. She was terrified for her life.]
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Monday, January 26th, 2015

Oh shit.

[Yes, Abby too]
Where are you? Help
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Saturday, January 24th, 2015

No Evil and No Kids; ETA: No Robin or Tiffany

Sorry if I woke anyone up this morning. And scared you all half to
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[ETA: Teens (no evil or judgey types)]
Who's coming out tonight?

[ETA: "Demon"!Allison, Gabbe, Teresa, Scoutie, Mins, Freds]
I'm looking at you lot. [He smirks]

[ETA: Marion]
Hello, beautiful. How are you doing?

It's been a fucking shit week. [Name of trashy club] or [Name of other equally trashy club]?
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Friday, January 23rd, 2015

[Accidental video]

[Liam doesn't know what happened.

It's not really a new feeling, everything's just been in a perpetual state of free-fall since what happened on the roof with that weird kid (Wendigo, he was a wendigo, that's what Scott said, but he's still not entirely sure what that even means), caught up in rapids he doesn't feel like he can ever really keep up with, without any room to even breathe. But he looks around, looks up, and it's no part of Beacon Hills he's ever seen. Maybe the assassins got them after all, maybe he's dead, and he doesn't remember dying, and he's pretty sure he'd remember something like getting burned alive, but then again he knows the brain blocks things out sometimes, when they're really bad. Maybe he just doesn't remember. Scott was worried, he remembers that much, after the cops dragged them inside. He wouldn't have been worried if getting lit on fire was something they could live through. Right?

Scott. He has to find Scott, he'll know what to do, he's the Alpha. And maybe he's not here, but he has to try anyway.

He pulls out his phone, punches a series of buttons, trying to get the number right from memory and it doesn't ring but it doesn't stop him from talking to it anyway.

Anyone tuning in is greeted with a very unsure-looking teenage boy scowling at the screen and muttering under his breath, but the uncertainty and worry is no less visible underneath the frustration.]

Come on, Scott, come on. Just pick up.
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Chloe, Allison, and Robin

["Allison" being my Allison specifically]
Hi, Chloe. As you and I both know, there have been so many people effected by the overwhelming number of deaths that seem to plague upon our displaced population. Last night, one of the Allisons, Robin, and I all thought it might be a great idea to help people cope with their losses if we were to host a memorial service. If we were able to use the room from the Christmas party, we would be able to prepare the rest of the arrangements. What do you think?
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