Wednesday, August 5th, 2015

At 2:47PM, this video plays on all devices in the city. )
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Saturday, August 1st, 2015

Nate, Cassie, & Rebekah

[Allison is perfectly calm. There's even a little smile on her face. Nothing can faze her. She's got the love of her life back. Maybe in spectre form, but it's better than nothing!] You all think I've lost it, don't you?
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Wednesday, July 29th, 2015

Mikaelson Manor

Isn't it nice having him back? [Allison has stars in her eyes. Kol is back and so far there hasn't been a massacre. It's like Christmas.]
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Sunday, July 26th, 2015

Allisons & Alan

Are you okay? She's going to hate me on principle, isn't she?
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Friday, July 24th, 2015

Narrative )

[He slams his foot down on the car breaks sending it skidding to a halt.]
What the--
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[One minute, her eyes were bleeding while she tried to cram for an exam on Miranda law, and New York vs. Quarles.

The next...her eyes were still bleeding, but her apartment was nowhere to be found.

She's in the booth of a seedy looking diner, wearing her pajamas (tiny cotton shorts and a crop top that left most of her tattoos in plain view, plus the heavy white gauze taped over her ribs to cover her latest session on her newest piece of ink) and nothing else. She has no idea how she got here, no idea if she's even still in New York...

Oh God, is her brain misfiring again?

Spotting the tablet on the table, right in front of her it was waiting for her...Allison Rappelevie picks it up and flicks it on, trying to call her father and failing, opening a public network connection instead. The face that fills the feed is a familiar one, but significantly older. Her hair is a little longer, has more curl, and though she looks visibly worn out from studying too hard, she also looks...relaxed. Free.

This is not a girl who's spent her life fighting the supernatural.]

Daddy? Hello?...Daddy, it's Skype, not rocket science. Please pick up!...
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Thursday, July 23rd, 2015

Lock your windows, folks.

Read more... )
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Wednesday, July 22nd, 2015

Friends minus Gen

[Freya, Kol, Allison, Scout, Cass, Nate (surprise!), Matt, and Hope]
Am I the best, or what? [She says, holding up a spellbook, her fingers spread on the pages, keeping it open onto one particular spell in Old Norse.]
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Monday, July 20th, 2015

Accidental Video Post

[She emerges dramatically from the lake in the park, disoriented. She swims to the shore and notices that inside the fence with her, there's a tablet. Another training exercise no doubt. She walks over to the tablet and lifts it up. Dripping wet in her work-out clothes.]

[ETA: Hales and Argents]
[Including people in their bloodlines who have different last names, like Camden and Claudia]

Hello. My name is Allison Argent. My mother is Kate Argent, and my father is Peter Hale. How many of you are here?
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Saturday, July 18th, 2015


In case you were worried or wondering, I'm back to normal. [Thanks to consuming massive quantities of blood. Yep.] Also? We need to do something together. My near death experience aside, things have been quiet and calm.
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Tuesday, July 14th, 2015

Vampire Allison 1.0


[Beacon Hills People Friends with Vampire Allison]

We need to talk about Allison.
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[Allison is weak. Not just for a vampire, but weak in general. She's in bed and she looks worn out.] I know you like to see the best in people, but please never go near that witch Kai.

[Her eyes are black and her teeth are rows of fangs. She looks fierce, but sounds tired.] I'm going to make you wish you'd killed me.
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Wednesday, July 15th, 2015

[ooc; magic sensitives will feel a huge surge of power on her re-arrival. Those familiar with Davina's "feel" will know it's her--and she is much stronger&more powerful than before.]

[As Davina finishes the resurrection spell, confident that it worked and in moments, her boyfriend would rise in his original body, she immediately loses that triumphant feeling when a woman rises instead. "Who the hell are you?"

She's pacing around the tomb, trying to figure out what went wrong when Rebekah appears again. "What did you do?"

Elijah steps out as well, "It wasn't Rebekah." he goes on to explain that Rebekah served as a distraction while he switched Kol's ashes with Esther's.

Davina's near tears as she shouts, running toward Elijah, hand raised to cast a spell on him.

That was my only chance! That was Kol's only chance! Now I know why he hates you! [She stumbles at the sudden scenery change and looks around wildly, confused, unaware her words were filmed.]
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Tuesday, July 14th, 2015

[Day after day she's dreamt of reappearing into the city where everyone that loved her and that she loved resided. Away from the parents that didn't care. Away from the people who pretended to be her friends. She takes a deep breath before picking up the tablet on the floor, tucking her hair behind her ear like she does every time. The wind is just the same as it is every night in her dreams. She knows the order. Nate. Allie. Ruby. Mia. Harley. It's the same every time. Even if it's all fake, she'll bask in the moment and hope she's not woken up before she can hold them all again.]
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Monday, June 29th, 2015


Hello, everyone!

[You may know her from her confused arrival post, but this is not the Allison Argent everyone knows. She's perfectly made up, impeccably dressed, and with the practiced cheerfulness in her greeting and the way she flicks her hair over one shoulder, she comes off as being more like Lydia than anything.]

So, quick introduction: my name is Allison Argent. Remember it, you might need it long as you're willing to accept my wisdom.

[She's absolutely serious as she says it...but she's equally serious as she wrinkles her nose a little.]

And, as my best friend so often tells me, only a truly wise woman knows herself to be a fool: I'm new, and still learning how to...understand this multidimensional, supernatural stuff. That said? There is some vital information I have to acquire.

[She starts ticking off a list on her fingers.]

Best places to shop, best places to eat, and whether or not those sick people are contagious, because I'm pretty sure I can find a way to make a face mask work with the right outfit if I have to. Oh, and I need the first two double quick, I have a date today.


You, sweetie, are my victim--I mean date. Be ready in twenty minutes, I expect to have lunch and shopping intel by then.

And this is an abduction, not an invitation. [Your bestie has spoken.]
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Sunday, June 14th, 2015

Did anyone else feel like we were stuck in an Alfred Hitchcock movie earlier?
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Wednesday, June 10th, 2015

Oh no. Oh shit. Fuck me, oh no. Fitz? Fitz??
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Tuesday, June 9th, 2015

It's a tornado!
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Monday, June 8th, 2015


[Nate, Andy, Mia, Girl Stiles, Erica]
All in favor of drowning out that noise with a video game marathon?

Should I be like... preparing for an apocalypse?
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Sunday, June 7th, 2015

[Drunk Nate is drunk. And this is a text post because he's posting from his phone and...typos are half the fun of drunkposts :P]

do u kno waahts gr8t? booze. i dont usualy dirnk btu i think i c y people do thsi all the time.
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