Silens Tumulosus Plotting's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Silens Tumulosus Plotting

  • And the walls kept tumbling down, in the city that we love. Great clouds roll over the hills, bringing darkness from above.
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[08 Jul 2015|04:33pm]
I've been debating it for a while annnd instead of canon updating Kai so he's merged w. Luke, I'm just gonna... give him some guilt anyway. Somehow. Either through plotting or through some event in the city if it happens soon enough. #yolo

Friendship Luncheon [08 Jul 2015|11:11pm]
Yo so. Sarah made lunch for the friends of the group today, who showed, who bailed, who scarfed down the pb&m sandwiches, who fought, who rode unicorns, and all that plotty stuff below :D

[ viewing | July 8th, 2015 ]
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