With a Side of Kick's Journal
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Tuesday, January 22nd, 2008

    Time Event
    Crazy project of insanely huge drawings
    Alright, so if you visit this journal with any regularity, you may notice that my top banner is, once again, different.

    That banner is my progress so far on what I am calling my crazy project of insanity.. to draw everyone in the Pollenverse.

    So far I've done the "pencils" for three Arbitrary Eclectics and Five irregulars. To have those teams finished, I need to draw at least four more people. And that's just two of the smaller teams in the 'verse, not to mention inking and colouring has to be done too.

    Um, yes. I'll be posting updates here as I get more and more done. So, warning, large images may be linked to from here in the future.

    luv n' skittles,


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